Monday, September 19, 2011

breaking point?

I am getting to the point that I think I don't want any more medicine experimentation.
My body and soul are suffering.

I am planning on telling Dr.Z that on Tuesday.
If narcotics are the only way they know to get a person out of pain, then maybe I need to take a break and explore elsewhere.

Not much I haven't explored. Let's see...
I could go for acupuncture again but with a different person; someone private was recommended.
I could try the hypnosis road again, although I feel I can't do it. I could talk with the therapist about it again, though, perhaps.
Homeopathy? Maybe it's possible...? (RKD, LY!)

I think I am opting out of these heavy medications.
I *think*.
Maybe I'm just exploring what I think, you know?

My body needs a break.
*I* need a break.


  1. Excellent point. I arrived at the same conclusion last winter. I had been dragging back and forth to Beth Israel in Boston for all kinds of tests. Nerve conduction, MRI, X-rays, blood chemistry, etc., etc. They gave me a more detailed picture of the symptoms that are so common in CFS/ME, but absolutely no clue about what to do to get better. I felt like I was on a fool's errand, a wild goose chase. Eventually, I just stopped going. There are more useful and gratifying things I prefer to do with my limited energy.

    Acupuncture took an hour each time (not including travel) and provided three hours of moderate pain relief. Hypnosis was about as effective as meditation, which I can do at home for free. Chinese herbs resulted in very expensive urine and homeopathy would be a joke if it weren't used to fleece desperate people.

    My personal conclusion is that until a cure is found, the best I can do is accept things as they are, be grateful it isn't worse and make the most of each day. Apparently, there is no secret knowledge, so exhausting myself pursuing it is counterproductive. I needed a break, I'm taking it and it's a good thing.

    Remember my made-up orchestra list? I've got one for my medical team too. My primary care physician is Dr. Sigourney Schtalfen. Acupuncturist Pierce Maiskin, physical therapists Neal Down and Ben Dover, pain specialist Dr. O. Howitt Hertz, nutritionists Les Eaton and Luz Waite, psychologist Dr. Lou Niebin and grief counselor Dr. Poormi Obuhu.

  2. You may find it worthwhile to look at this page by a Dr. Heshie Klein on despair for a cure, especially regarding what he gives over from the Vilna Gaon concerning the idea of the refuah coming before the makkah:

    "In his elucidation on the Siddur, the 18th-century master, Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman, commonly known as the Vilna Gaon, explains that the bracha means that the refuah (cure) is always created before the makkah (illness or pain). "Refa'einu Hashem" means we know that the refuah already exists; "v'neirafei" means we are asking Hashem to allow us to access the refuah for this person. "

