Saturday, December 5, 2015

Inflammation: it's not over. (with a surprise ending!)

I was just looking through some old blog posts looking for something specific, and I wound up clicking on some interesting titles, having forgotten what they were about. MAN, I have been through So. Much. It's flippin incredible. Reading old posts, I inspire me! I hear lots of times that my blog inspires people. I don't quite understand why, but reading back (this evening I was at the beginning of 2013, right before Ya'akov's BarMitzvah) shows me how strong I really have been. Raising young kids through all the surgeries and infections and more surgeries. Whoa. It's just been so crazy.

And it's not really over. I mean, so much is better, thank Gd. The right thigh joint surgery was definitely a success. I feel that very confidently. I have confirmation from the physical therapist, too. I now have physical therapy once a week, and hydrotherapy once a week (in a pool in Soroka). It's a good groove. Oh, and just started back to Tai Chi, slowly. It is very taxing on the thighs, actually. But it's good. I'm going to get stronger with all this.

So why would I say it's not really over?
I looked fine when I went to synagogue this morning. Chatted with everyone, smiled all the time, had an easy, pleasant time. I walked back and forth on my own two legs, baruch Hashem! Not to be taken for granted.

What was behind the scenes, though (although I did share it with my close friends) is that I was drugged up on Advil. The fever and strange thigh pain was back. It hit on Friday, like a bomb, with a quite sudden deterioration, just like last time when I went to the hospital (three weeks ago). I still don't know what it is, but it has flare-ups, it's inconsistent. This particular pain has been going on for well over a year, but 1) I had assumed it was part of the joint problem, and 2) the occurrence of it with fever just started happening. Since the joint has been fixed, now, by the process of elimination, I know that this is a separate problem. It's upsetting.

I have reason to think it may be endometriosis, but that can only be truly diagnosed with laproscopic surgery, and that is ***~~~out of the question for me~~~***. The idea of another surgical procedure makes my stomach churn. There is no real cure for it anyway, so why bother with the trouble of diagnosing it? I have had multiple ultrasounds of the area, CT, and MRIs, and nothing showed up. As I said, it's been going on for a long time. The diagnosis of endometriosis is also by process of elimination, but the thing is, I have almost no common symptoms of it. Just the sharp, hot kind of pain, and low grade fever (which is unusual, and last on the list of possible symptoms). Once, in my sessions with Miriam Maslin with the biotensor machine, it picked up endometriosis, so that is also why I am leaning in that direction. It may go away with menoapuse, but I'm not there yet.

(note from Miriam Maslin: Just for clarification, the machine that I use is actually called either a Frequency or Bio-Resonance Generator.)

It's the fevers that make the pain kind of scream at me, not the pain alone. Pain alone I am familiar with, and if I know it is benign, I can just take Advil and go about my business. But the fevers, indicating severe inflammation, give me a red flag, you know? I can't ignore it, as much as I want to.
As of yet I'm not sure how to proceed. Regular western medicine is out- all the diagnostic tests didn't show anything, and I am not going through lapproscopy, or going on hormone pills, so I don't want to go there. I'm going to go non-conventional. It's time.

Why is my body so inflammatory?

BTW, I haven't mentioned this yet, but since my last surgery almost 7 weeks ago, my throat hasn't been right. I lost my upper singing range. And, now when I swallow, I have an extra "click". It doesn't hurt, but bugs the heck out of me. I wonder if the breathing tube during surgery made scar tissue. I've had a lot of breathing tubes in my time. Every general anesthesia.

Again, inflammatory process?


And last, but *by no means* least, some intense, huge news:

There has been a lawsuit with us against the hospital going on for quite some time now.
The other day, I signed on the settlement. It's good. It doesn't take away what happened to me, but Gd made good on it for us. I am grateful. One huge milestone. I'm also eternally grateful for it to be over.

My John Hancock

Three of us... not our direct lawyer, but a partner.


  1. Dear Sarah, you might want to try saccharomyces boulardii probiotic it takes care of a lot organisms and restores the immune system pretty good, let me know if it helps stop the fever. Many Gd give you peace. Love Paul

    1. I'm planning on seeing an orthomolecular doctor some time soon. I'll run that by him and see what he says. Thanks for the tip! And the blessing. :)

  2. SO glad you got some compensation. Hope it will help give you the ability to breathe easier financially and if nothing else to show the hospital they can't just get away with "murder". Try Zinc Picolinate for throat...make sure it is something you can take. Hope you find a solution to your fever and feel better. Chag Hannuka Sameach

    1. It's the hospital offering me whatever it takes to make me go away. Hush money. Yes, we can breathe financially now.

  3. Just for clarification, the machine that I use is actually called either a Frequency or Bio-Resonance Generator.

    1. Ah, I see, so the biotensor is the hand-held one?

  4. Glad you got some nice compensation. You have been through a LOT!!

  5. so glad you've finally "settled" on that end of things. It must feel good that there is some accountability from the hospital and doctors.
    Happy Chanukah!

    dev from NJ

    1. Funny thing is, the hospital has no accountability in a settlement. They give the person who is suing them "hush" money, so you will go away, and when you sign the form that you agree to the offer, the form says they are not held accountable for having done anything wrong. Of course, if that were true, they wouldn't have offered a settlement. Their lawyers would have kicked it out. By them offering a settlement, it means that they know that they were wrong. But still signing the form that says they did nothing wrong was unfair. I have no interest in going to court, though, so, it is what it is. Money is money.

  6. You're right - you have been through the ringer and back, and sadly, there is still more ahead of you. But you have been amazing throughout, and my hope and prayer for you is that you are able to keep on doing what you've been doing - both in terms of showing us mere plebes what true strength is, and in terms of not giving up on yourself when many folks would have. You are an amazing woman!

  7. Just hang in there! Happy Chanuka.

  8. You go, GIRL, and keep inspiring us. Doughnuts help reduce fever, btw.

    1. Miriam- hahha! Depends on who is making the doughnuts! Do I have some special oil for you! ;)

  9. Sarah, so happy you've gotten a settlement for the terrible malpractice you endured. I know from experience that settlements in Israel are a fraction of what one receives in the U.S., but it's the recognition of your pain and suffering that counts the most. I hope you'll now be able to breathe a little easier.

  10. Victor had the same loss-of-voice and throat problems after one of his last procedures with anesthesia/ tube down his throat. I think he ended up at the lung doctor (dr. Luna) at Soroka and she sent him for voice therapy to regain his voice, which was working. Look for the easy stuff first.

    Anne Hurowitz

  11. hi. just a quick note. in case you don't know - turmeric is supposed to be an anti-inflammatory. We put it now in almost everything.... (especially for Tamara)

    congrats on the settlement - i am sure that having the lawsuit closed is a BIG relief. Enjoy the "hannukah gelt" :-)

    feel better!
    hag urim sameach!
