Friday, March 6, 2009

Grateful to not be alone

Wow- tremendous fatigue. I can't seem to stay on my feet for more than a few hours. What is the deal? I think that flu took a lot out of me. For Robert it took a full 8 days until he felt completely OK again. I'm on the 8th day now, still coughing and feeling very weak. I think it is probably because my system was already taxed going into it.

I did a few things yesterday. That in itself is news, that I did things at all, ya know? I made challot & pizza, went to a brit milah (bris) of a client's baby, took the kids to a children's concert at the Sinfonietta, and then in the evening went out with Robert & another couple we enjoy for my birthday celebration. It was more than I've done in over a week. I had a great evening out- it was really nice; complete with ice cream and cake after the meal. :-) But whoa... so much thigh pain all evening. I was sitting at an angle on the chair at the resteraunt because it hurt so much. Darn. Advil didn't do it for me and I couldn't get to sleep because I was so uncomfortable with the leg, so, I took a half of Percocet. Then I slept. Such a bummer to not *fully* enjoy a nice day, you know?

I pray for answers. I am not ready to make my peace with living this way. It is exhausting getting the answers, but the search has not been exhausted yet. I am grateful for the help I am getting from Robert and from Rivka (SIL). I wouldn't have the strength in me to do it alone.

You need strength to find the right doctors, to go to them, and to follow through though with all the details. Then to get through the treatment. But, the irony of it is that being in constant pain saps the strength right out of you. Thank GD I'm not alone.

Sunday back to Tel Aviv to Ichilov hospital to see the orthopedic oncolgist (Prof. Mellers/ Prof. Bikels team). But only after resting in the calm of Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

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