Wednesday, March 4, 2009

haircuts and insights

All my children got haircuts today; I did that. I am the main hair cutter in the house, and my kids were really looking shaggy and begging me to give them haircuts. They all look so neat and taken-care-of now. I also am Robert's hair cutter. Last time he had a barber cut his hair was the day before our wedding. :-) I, on the other hand, get to go to a salon and get my scalp massaged, hair washed, cut & blown dry.

Although I stayed in bed resting and sleeping on & off until 4PM, I got out of bed & dressed to spend the 2nd half of the day awake, giving hair cuts, and being present for my family. And my dogie. :-) [she doesn't need haircuts, fortunately]

Can you believe that the two hours I spent on my feet tired me out. I am still feeling weak from the nasty flu I've had. But, I stayed around. I hung around for dinner, and put the little ones to bed. Of course, Robert's and Zimrah's help made it all possible, and I am so thankful for that.

It took me all this week to recover from last week. There were two important doctor appointments and the traveling involved with those, and Azriel's surgery, a major emotional & physical challenge to my system.

I am glad I had this week to rest. For whatever the physiological or emotional reasons , I need a lot of rest. That will change some time, but not for a while. Everything in it's own time.

Next appointment is this Sunday. It is at noon (not 6AM) in Tel Aviv (Ichilov hospital) with the orthopedic oncologist to discuss possible tumor treatments.

I'll try not to give up on determination. But those days are going to happen. I'm in a very challenging stage of labor here... there are no set time lines as to how long this stage takes. I am still at the 8cm mark and working hard at each contraction, trying to rest in between them. The transition will happen, and the birth will happen. My body will emerge, healthy and ready to breathe on it's own. And that is when I will instinctively turn my head up to the glory of the heavens. [did you know that babies instinctively do that?]

1 comment :

  1. Thanks to Hashem that we only have to live one day at a time.
    Shabbat Shalom
