Monday, March 23, 2009

Revisiting an unresolved issue

Remember a while ago (December) the ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor recommended I go for this sophisticated hearing/balance test? Well, believe it or not, that is scheduled for tomorrow. I really don't feel like I can deal with so many issues at once. In fact, there are so many issues I am dealing with these days (not only physically) that I am quite overwhelmed and falling into depression problems.

I am a bit ambivalent about taking this test tomorrow; it is reportedly a difficult test and uncomfortable. Creating unbalance to evaluate the inner ear, running water through ears, and icky stuff like that. I do still suffer with noise sensitivity, dizziness problems occasionally, and slight hearing loss (from the antibiotic Vancomycin). This test is to make sure there is no infection being harbored in the inner ear, or to see if there is a deep blockage causing these problems. Do I need this really? On the other hand, it took 3 months to have a date for it, so putting it off means waiting a long time when other things may be in action (taking care of my leg, for instance). The the same doctor that did Azriel's surgery is also my ENT, and I asked him about it again last week. He said it was worthwhile for me because there may be a way to fix the problems I have, and we can't know that without this specific test. So, I'll do it. But I don't want to. I want to sleep, and I want to try to work out some other problems in life, and I don't want to do tests that are not connected with helping my leg pain.

But I will do it, because there will be a time that the "fixable" problems will be fixed.

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