Thursday, March 19, 2009

My whine, if you'll indulge me

Gosh, the past few days have been so frustrating. Trying to do errands and each time I got somewhere it was foiled somehow by wrong time, wrong store, no stock, not ready, etc. It is so hard for me to do these errands, I use all my "leg-ability" early, and wind up the rest of the day paying for it. Driving with that clutch working my left hip, especially in town traffic, ...yeah, that's un-fun.

Have yet to get my computer shipped of to Tel Aviv to fix. Our extended warranty is complicated, and the place I brought it to today (Toshiba dealers in Be'er Sheva, which was closed when I came yesterday), doesn't recognize the warranty. So I got in touch with the extended warranty company (in the US) and I put in a claim. Now I have to wait till they contact me to tell me where their guy is to get it to.

Then I went to Soroka to pick up the tests I ordered a week ago. This is to make my official move to Ichilov, to complete the file with all the tests I've had. So I got there today, and the tests I needed were in two totally different ends of the hospital campus. The first place, radiology, said it'd be a half hour wait. (I ordered it a week ago) So, I went to the second place in the meantime. I got there and they had only included one of the bone scan results, not both. I had another half hour to wait for the second one. So, I went back to radiology, on the complete opposite end from isotopes (bone scan). I got to radiology and my old CT was ready. Glory be. Got that, and went back to isotopes for the bone scans. I am really hurtin' by this point. The the secretary at isotopes said I can't have the other bone scan... the physician's note (prof. Bikels from Ichilov) doesn't specify that he is ordering both. !!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! [I know you got the meaning there...] They told me I have to ask him to send another note saying he wants both tests. I said:
You want me to call one of the three orthopedic oncologists in Israel so he can write one word into the letter he already took his time to write by hand and fax? These are *my* tests. I shouldn't need any doctor's note. And anyway, it's obvious that he is ordering all my tests. *I* am ordering all my tests. Please let me speak to the supervising doctor here. So, I got the doctor there to come out, and I had to sign on Bikels note that I am getting both tests. What is this, elementary school?

Why do things always seem to need three hundred steps to complete them?

There is a shiny end to this story, however, of ranting and frustration... I had to get to the post office before 6PM when they close. It is always a wait at our post office, and I had to take care of the challah & pizza of Thursdays at our house before I left. I got a phone call from our "carpool angel" to tell us of a schedule change. I ranted on the phone a bit about my day, he offered to go to the post office for me to do the stuff I needed to do there. That was such a great offer! I almost didn't accept, but then I did. I have learned to accept help. It matters. Thanks so much, BD.
And while I'm at it, thanks also to Zimrah, our nanny, for working and helping even when feeling under the weather, also. You are so appreciated!!

I feel that I have to start to slow down a bit.
On Tuesday I drove to Arad and back, 45 mins each way. The Sudanese woman got released from hospital after her birth and I drove them home (with many generous donations from our community). Then, these past two days of errands have just completely wiped me out. My noise sensitivity was at a maximum today, and that is always a recipe for hard times.
Oh, BTW, I finally got an appointment for the sophistocated hearing/ inner ear balance test that the ENT ordered for me a few months ago. It's next week.
Again, I feel like a very old person because of all these doctors appointments. It *will* end. I *will* get back on normal track. I pray. Part of getting back on track, though, is to go to these appointments and get help for this stuff. I have to get back to Icilov at some point soon and present my organized case. Next step.

Looking forward to seeing our friends from Jerusalem on Shabbat. We have tried to do this together for a year, at least, and it never woked out. Either a family member is sick, or it is just too hard for a million reasons. (She is also dealing with very serious health problems. Makes it very hard to plan ahead. I can relate.)

Oh, and I just have one more comment about today. Remember the ten plagues? Well, we had two of them here today, on top of everything. Blood: I had to make an early rush pick-up at Shifra's gan today because they called to say she had a run-in on the playground with a friend and her nose got hit and it won't stop bleeding. I got there and saw the crime scene; Shifra sitting down with blood all over her clothes, an ice pack on her nose, and all her little friends around her. I got her home, and she is fine. She may bruise, though. Then later, at bathtime, when I was desperately trying to get off my feet, I remembered I had to comb Shifra for lice as per request from her teacher (for all the girls, it's going around). Yup, you got it. She had some. So, a 40 minute fine-tooth combing job, tee-tree oil on her scalp afterwards, complete sheet change, and she finally got to bed.

Blood, (no frogs today), Lice... preparing for leaving a life of hardship and despair.
!!!Moses- I'm ready!!!!

1 comment :

  1. Sarah,
    I don't speak to you for a couple of days and "things" happen at hurricane speed. Wow. I'll have to call more often. I did see you Friday morning, so at least I know you still exist beyond the written word. Keep pushing forward! Hashem Yivarech Otach!
    Love, Miriam
