Friday, April 17, 2009

Drug reactions

Bad migraine last night. Really bad. I tried to get to bed early, and did, relatively speaking, but feeling the pressure of re-organizing the kitchen put me into a pressured way, and my nervous system want awry. Then, I desperately tried to take something that would kill the headache. I can't bear the head-splitting-open sit-in-the-dark-and-moan-with-nausea routine. So I took a combo of too many things, desperate to get to sleep, and 15 minutes later wound up with a swelling throat, tight chest, and still a relentless migraine. :-/. Robert was on-call for this after he wrote down what I had taken (all over-the-counter stuff, but mixtures that probably were not meant to be), but the tight chest & throat only got worse to a certain point, then started to retreat after about 2 hours. Thankfully we stayed out of the ER; I never felt that "shock-y" feeling I know so well (I've been through 5 anaphylactic shock episodes). I got to sleep at that point, and woke up feeling like I slept in a trash can, but at least with no headache. I stayed in bed until 5PM. No choice. I felt better after sleeping most of the day, and we all went out with my father-in-law for an evening activity and dinner. I felt good at that point, thank Gd. Now it's 2AM and my system is all thrown off. My brother left this morning, and my father-in-law goes to his other son's home in Modi'in tomorrow morning. Then he heads back to the States on Wednesday.

My body gives me clear signals where it's medicinal boundaries are. I just wish I knew what to do when a migraine hits. It's really unbearable. More & more I am getting oversensitive to medicines. I do wear this magnet necklace that is sometimes helpful against the migraines, but when they hit, nothing short of a full tranquilizer may help. But I can't take that stuff, I start to get anaphylactic reactions. I think it comes down to perfecting the art of lowering pressure that is self-imposed.

Taking an Algolysin today as we were on our way out of the house this evening helped me with the leg pain, but I was a little worried after last night's drug fiasco that my body may rebel against that, too. I have been taking that 2 or three times a day for months, though. Thankfully it went OK.

The pain, the complications, ....what happened to me? I never was one to take more than a few Advils or Tylenol.

I am still with the psychotrophic medicines every day, also. Although I haven't had a follow-up on those for almost 6 months. The system let me slip through the cracks, and I only have one resource to get me back on track. I have sent him an email telling him as such, and he hasn't responded. My therapist at the moment, Lily, has no connection with that end of things (medical), and simply told me to call this doctor who we mutually know. But calling him is threatening to me, so I have been staying between the cracks. All this trouble with medicines should probably be addressed, but I am frozen and just can't fight to get someone new to get to know my case [again] and help if possible. What a mess.

I wonder what my body would feel like with no meds at all. Clean and healthy, I fanticize. But the leg pain, the twisted and thick scar tissue twined into my hip joint,'s not over yet. It's not over yet.

I am pretty much waiting for the Ichilov doctors to get in touch with me regarding the hip/thigh growths and treatment plan possibilities. I probably will have to deal with antibiotics again at that point. My body feels polluted and off balance.

2:42 AM. Signing off. Can I avoid a sleeping pill? How long do I lie awake waiting for the answer? A few hours? Will I ever be clean and on the other side of this mess?

The two year mark of being an NF survivor is coming around the corner. I feel so many flashbacks these days. Life feels heavy.

1 comment :

  1. At 2:42AM I would say you're past when you should have taken the sleeping pill. Sleep is healing, as my doc says, and you're better to use something to help you than go without.

    Sorry to hear the migraines are so hard on you. My 14 yo gets migraines too and talks of that migraine hangover. Yuck!
