Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Daffodil Principle

[To Iris, thanks. For me, this *was* another hike in Ya'ar Lahav. love to you. :-)]

A friend recently sent me this link to a slightly corny presentation, and I watched it. It actually made a big impact on me, and I have been thinking about it ever since. When you watch it, you'll see why.

It causes me unexplainable amounts of emotional pain to be waiting for the day that I'll be out of physical pain. It goes like this: "I'll be [fill in blank] when I'm out of pain", or "I will be able to move on after the reconstruction surgery", or "I will be able to be with my children in more ways when I am free of pain". Or, when certain family relationships get repaired, my depression will lift.

Well, while I wait, life doesn't.

My kids are growing, and elderly loved ones get closer to whatever it is that is called the end. I am getting older without having started important dreams I hope to fulfill. My relations with people; Robert, friends, and loved ones, seem to hover around these problems I struggle with.

I want to move on and live for every day. And now, that means living with pain and moving on anyway. Mission Impossible?

Even trying to end my posts with "It's going to be OK" is living for tomorrow.

Maybe I'll start buying daffodil bulbs.


  1. Sarah,
    I liked it, too.

  2. Sarah,

    I just found your blog.

    You inspire me. Thank you for creating such a beuatiful blog.


  3. Hi Melissa, thanks for writing! I checked out your blog just now, and it's really warm. It's a wonderful premise for a blog; your living home.

    Thanks for being here. Chag Sameach!!

  4. One day at a time. It's not always easy. I remember going through a similar thought process and realizing that while I was dealing with hard issues my children were going through their childhood. It's a very discomforting thought. Just do your best.
