Tuesday, March 31, 2009

pain relief medicine, not so straight-forward (what has been?)

My doctor gave me a new pain medicine today, and it seems to upset my stomach. I haven't kept much down today. This is such a drag, I can't even express my frustration. And, although I took this medicine today, my leg still hurt, and to kick a horse while he's [she's] down, I got a whopping headache also, probably a result of the digestive imbalance and slight dehydration. The medicine is "Etopan XL", which is made of Etodolac, 600 mg. It supposedly is a "new generation" of the ibuprofen family, and it is one pill with slow release over the course of the day. Looks like it may not be suited to me. I'm not sure if I should try it again tomorrow, or go to the next thing he gave me, Optalgin in drops, supposed to be more effective than the pills which I have taken in the past. I'll call him and ask. I am kind of just so tired of these calls and these trial periods. And I am weary from reacting to so many medicines.

I am so afraid that there will be no working diagnosis, and I'll have to go to a pain clinic to get a treatment for the pain, rather than solve the problem causing the pain. I know I have to put those fears to rest and just leave it in Gd's "in-box" until further notice from my doctors in Ichilov.

I am exhausted. I'm going to crawl into bed soon (it's only 7:30PM at the moment) with a book and drift away to la-la land. Robert will have to walk Emma this evening. They'll have some time to bond. ;-)

For a while I think I should end each blog entry with "it's going to be OK". That's the work I'm doing these days.

So, it's going to be OK..... right?


  1. Moshe just said it best!


  2. It will be what it will be.

    And whatever it is, YOU will be OK.

    So, rather than "it will be ok," I suggest your mantra be:
    "I will be OK"

    And you will.

    Sending you lots of love and support.
