Friday, May 1, 2009

Living in the "gray zone", and the stubbornness of this ear infection

It was good to write the blog yesterday, and talk too a good friend about the situation. It's still ambiguous, but sometimes we have to just live in a gray zone for a while. I am not making any big changes any time soon. I think the crux of it is that Robert & I have to do a sort of "regroup" of the partnership and define things again, from the heart. All relationships have to do that every now & then, and a relationship which has had this kind of stress for so long needs a little more special attention than usual.

On the ear infection front...
(oh- btw- RM- it is *my* right ear, also...)

The darn thing is still quite stuffed, and consistently
sore, in a dull sort of way. And also my throat on the right side still hurts. It's been a whole week, 6 of those days on antibiotics. What is the deal with this thing? I can't believe how long it is lasting. I thought about going back to the clinic today for a check on it, but I slept until 11:45 am!!!! That is like 11 hours of sleep in one night. My body is so worn out from all this infection fighting and everything else. The health clinic closes at 12, so going this morning was out.

I am still taking pain killers, for my leg, and also for the ear. Sometimes the Algolysin covers the ear pain, and sometimes not so much. I guess I'll go to the doctor again on Sunday if this continues. I have a feeling there will be nothing he can do about it. It is taking so long, though. It's a bummer to have more pain than I usually have to deal with on a regular basis. And the two are totally unrelated. Where is the justice?


  1. Some of these infections just persist when we feel we should be feeling better. I'm having lung discomfort, coughing, grunting, squealing, wait, no that might be swine sounds - LOL. I'm not sure if I'm just fighting some virus that won't go away or if it's some allergy thing which is persisting. Haven't had allergy issues like this for years. So, I can understand the gray zone. It should be getting better by now, why isn't it getting better by now, am I imagining that it's worse than it is, no today I feel better than yesterday, but not much. I WANT TO FEEL BETTER. I have no motivation to do things when I feel like this. I want motivation. BLah blah blah. In summary, on a waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy smaller scale I get it.

  2. It took FOREVER for the stuffy feeling to go away, even after the pain had subsided.

    But, eventually, I forgot all about it (until I read your posts!)

    This is meant to be encouraging. ;-)

    But do follow up. I had to go back to the doctors several times before things started to really move forward.
