Saturday, July 4, 2009

Stability in an unstable situation

OK, I've started writing three times now, and erased each start. I feel like my stuff is so small in the face of what my friend with cancer is dealing with. I am thinking about her all the time.

I am doing OK. Actually, I feel really peaceful these days. The conversation(s) with my rebbetzin, the body work with the personal trainer, and the hydrotherapy, it's all good. The disease and the pain is there all the time, and what ever happens with that I'll handle as it comes around. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment with my new GP (did I tell you I switched?), and I'll discuss pain med options. A doctor friend (who was our guest this Shabbat) had a few suggestions for good pain control that I haven't tried.

But you know what? The kids are good, Robert is good, camp starts tomorrow for the children and they are excited, it is just appropriate for me to say Baruch Hashem. (Thank Gd).

I pray for my friend, and invite you to, as well. *RivkA Bat Teirtzel*


  1. I am praying with you. Love, Rivka

  2. Jackie Pellegrino, Oct98July 6, 2009 at 6:27 PM

    Oh, Sarah. I'm sorry for the news. I will certainly pray for her. It's funny, but I almost feel like I know her, just from reading your posts and seeing her replies. :-) There will be prayers from across the world for a good outcome.
