Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Vitamin and supplement doctor

(This post is written on the same day as the last one, which is about my follow-up visit with Prof. Meller today at Ichilov hospital.)

I was thinking of writing this in the previous post, but I am trying to "color within the lines". I am trying to keep posts to their subjects and not go all over the place. How am I doing?

For the past three months, I have been in touch with the Orthomolecular doctor pretty consistently. I am taking vitamins and supplements according to his recommendations. I had been doing well for a time there; much more energy, less pain, and I was free of migraines for about 6 weeks or so, I think. I recently told him about the return of the migraines, tremendous exhaustion, and possible PVNS regrowth. And my hair keeps getting thinner and thinner.

He asked for a whole spectrum of blood work again, to measure things now, after having been on the supplements. He also said he wants to give me other supplements to help control the "abnormal tissue growth".
I am also discussing with him, in emails, about the whole sleeping pill issue. I really hope that I can get off them; I'm sure it would help me psychologically as well as physically.

Tomorrow, after my work-out, I am going to my family doctor to order the blood tests. (I also need her to start shuffling the paperwork to get my hydrotherapy & PT going again for 2010.)

It is nice to keep the updates of the different issues separate, isn't it?

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