Thursday, March 28, 2019

More breaking news

I went to the gynecologist today, and it was a very GOOD experience! Thank Gd.

She did an ultrasound, which hurt a lot. This is as opposed to last year when I went to have two checks with two gynecologists and the exams didn't hurt. They both told me last year that if the pain I was having was coming from my uterus or cervix, they couldn't do the exam without it being very painful for me. It wasn't, so they surmised that whatever the pain was, it wasn't from my reproductive parts.

Today's exam hurt- a LOT. Also the doctor saw fluid and infection around my uterus, and an unknown polyp-looking thing inside, which when she ultrasounded that thing it hurt like h*ll.

So now I am on two different antibiotics, because the ideal one for this condition is one I am allergic to. I am on two antibiotics, and pain medicine, which is working. Last year NO pain meds worked against that pain. This one is working, thank the Good Lord.

The antibiotics are already wreaking havok on my stomach, though, as they do. I need to get through seven days of this, heavy antibiotics and stomach problems, but I have big-time hope that this will solve the problem!! I am taking probiotics, too, yes.

I also have to get a special sonogram for the unknown polyp-like thing in my uterus (which is beside the large fibroid I've had for years). The doctor today told us who was the best technician for this specific thing, and how to get an appointment with her. That was great. Then after I get that ultrasound, I'm supposed to go back to today's gynecologist with the results and go from there. We may have to biopsy it.

So, the interesting thing is that today I managed to get an appointment with the Ichilov hospital pain doctor to administer steroid shots on *Sunday* (instead of August!)
But now I don't know if I need them... if this pain totally goes away then I don't need the steroid shots, obviously, but what if the infection is taken care of and I still have pain? Then I would go for the steroid shots. So, by Sunday morning I'll have had six doses of antibiotics, I hope I will know if I"m out of pain or not at that point. I can postpone the shots in any case, we'll see. Complicated.

But I have hope that this is "just" an infection and won't need the steroid shots, no less that big surgery. I still want to get the MRI done, though. I like my cousin Dovid's suggestion, to do random acts of kindness to the MRI control lady until she gets me what I need. Have coffees sent to her, bribe, perhaps? :)

So that's the latest. Thanks for letting me keep you posted. :)

Shabbat Shalom to all.


  1. Amazingly happy to hear this turn-around - may it turn out to be "just" an infection as you hope.

  2. Sounds hopeful. Praying for you.

  3. refuah shleimah
    I'm glad you found a gynecologist you like.
