Monday, April 27, 2009

Ear infection, day 3

As it turns out, my family doctor is sitting shiva this week for the passing of his father. So, since the ear infection kept on without a marked improvement, I went to see our beloved pediatrician. She is a wonderful doctor who I know very well, and she completely knows my medical history.

She checked my ear, and is worried that it is a deeper infection because the ear drum itself is actually fine looking. The whole area around my ear, on the side of my face, is sore, slightly swollen, as is the area behind my ear as well. She raised the dosage of the antibiotic from 250mg to 500mg. She said that 250 is actually a child's size dosage and it wouldn't fight an adult infection. I think the doctor who did the house call on Saturday night went very conservative because of the allergies to antibiotics I presented him with. So, I took another 250 today to make the day portion 500 already, and I'll take the 500 tonight.

Then I went to the hospital to the scar clinic (OT) to get my new pressure garment. It fit, everything's fine, paid for, and done with that... for now, anyway. As I was walking accross Soroka on my way from the OT to the sleep clinic, to make an appointment for Wazi, I passed the infectious disease department, and saw the ID doctor who took care of me a year ago when I had the cellulitis. (coincidence? I think not...)
She asked how I am doing (funny how they all remember me around Soroka. I'm so unforgettable... the NF chick), and I told her it may be a good time to consult about this ear infection I have. She listened, asked pertinent questions, and suggested I see an ENT as soon as possible. My ENT doesn't work Mondays, and the only way to get an immediate visit with an ENT is to do it through the emergency room admittance. She suggested that as a good option. But I decided not to. I can't bear the 4 or 5 hours it'd take me there to see someone, all the blood tests and the never ending questions about my disease history. And Robert is out of town today. I called him for his take on this development, and he suggested to wait till tomorrow to see if the higher dose of antibiotic will work more effectively. If it doesn't, I can always go to the emergency room, it's always an option. Anyway, my ENT (same one as Wazi's) will be in tomorrow and I can try to squeeze in for an urgent appointment. So, we're waiting another day to see if there will be an improvement with the higher dose of antibiotic. In the meantime, I am using more pain killers than usual and trying to rest. Thankfully, there is no fever. (There wasn't one when I had NF, either, though).

To add to this development, Dov may have strep. He has been having a urinary problem, which was tested by our pediatrician. The test came back negative for a urinary tract infection. She then did a throat swab because she has seen strep manifest itself in children as urinary problems. The test results haven't come back yet. She does a lot of swabs on my kids because she knows we have to be cautious with strep. Any time someone has a flu or sore throat, she does a strep test. So we are waiting on his test. She mentioned this WRT my present infection, and we are a bit worried, but as of now, it is not an urgent situation. As I said, I'll go back to the doctor tomorrow (pediatrician) if there is no improvement. She said she'd call me with the test results for Dov as soon as she gets them.

Not happy. We are supposed to go to friends and family in Modi'in tomorrow evening for Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israel Independence day). We plan to stay the night with friends and have a big bar-b-que/picnic Wednesday, as we do every year. I may have to not go if this doesn't clear up soon. :-((

Not happy.
Gotta work up that Emunah (faith) again.

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