Thursday, April 23, 2009

mental health update

Oh well, lotto was a bust. I guess we don't get to choose what arena we get the "what are the chances" game.

Not doing so great these days. This morning was particularly hard with 3 different doctors from the psychiatric hospital (where I was in October). I had my regular appointment with Lily, which is a good thing for me; I like her. This particular meeting was heavy, though. After that I had to see the doctor who handles my medicines- I haven't had a follow-up on that since October.

Two weeks ago I had the meeting with the Department of Health for my disability benefits evaluation, and I was not prepared with the correct papers. I had with me the correct papers for a meeting to evaluate the surgical/orthopedic side of the benefits, but I didn't realize that this meeting was the psychiatric eval. I was short on paperwork for that, and I have to turn it in ASAP. So while I was at the hospital today, I obtained a copy of my release document from the hospitalization back in October. While I was there, I ran into the department head of the PTSD unit where I was. He recognized me right away, and asked how I am doing. I mentioned to him about the TMS treatments which fell through the cracks and never actualized. [Those who don't remember what that is, read about it here]. He remembered completely when I jogged his memory a bit, and told me it was an oversight. They didn't have all the proper approval at the time, and when they had it, I was already not there, and nobody called me. We talked a bit about starting the treatments in a few weeks, and I asked more in depth about what it entails. In short, I decided that I am not going to do it. I will go back and talk to him in a few weeks to clarify if I heard him correctly about it. If so, I am not going to do it. If I understood incorrectly, I am possibly open to it. The way I understand it, it sounds awful and is unacceptable for me. I will clarify in a few weeks.

In short, seeing three different mental health workers and talking about intense things in one morning was too much. I think it'd be too much for anyone.

I am going to Dorit tonight for my lymphatic draining & reflexology. I am looking forward. She is so healing for me.


  1. Don't you hate it when the lotto people pick the wrong numbers. Happens to me at least once every year. It's like when I put my name in a raffle at the PTA and they mispronounce it so badly that someone else gets the prize -- really, how they can make "Beth" sound like "Alissa" is beyond, me :-).

    I hope for some peaceful days for you, even without the lottery money. You deserve it after the extra stress lately.

  2. Sarah, every time I read your blog I just want to come give you a big hug. Thank you for being so open about your struggle. You inspire me to count the blessings in my life. May God bless you and your family.
    Shabbat Shalom
