Monday, June 29, 2009

No end in sight

Either I am at the end of my rope, or at some unknown starting point. Since it feels like the end, all I can hope for is to find the beginning again.

A depression like this hasn't come around in a long time. It feels like it has no end, like everything is dark, and I am shut away, not able to speak, not able to hear.

But, I can type, and type I do.


  1. Jackie Pellegrino, Oct98June 29, 2009 at 7:37 PM

    Sarah: Keep typing - and reach out to someone IRL as well about how you're feeling. Remember, you have your Dr. appts. this week, and keep your faith that they will have some ideas on how to move forward in a positive way for you. Many hugs, Jackie

  2. My dear Sarah - Keep writing - we're all here reading and thinking of you. You are NOT alone. I love you!

  3. Even in the darkness, it seems you remain aware that the darkness will pass.

