Monday, June 8, 2009

Toxic body, and how I look as opposed to how I feel...

My body feels toxic. It actually *feels* toxic.
It feels like a trash can, I am taking so many medicines.

anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, two different antibiotics simultaneously for another 4 days, Percocet on demand for pain.

The antibiotics, 3X/day, (to take care of the most recent infection in my reproductive system) make me ill feeling to my stomach, and leave a constant bitter taste in my mouth.

The Percocet helps with pain (but does not remove *all* the pain), but also sometimes makes me queasy if I haven't eaten beforehand. Eating is tougher these days with the bitter taste in my mouth, and if I already feel queasy.... not so inspiring to eat.

It is 3:25 am now. I had a wonderful time at a wedding of the daughter of very close friends. Thank Gd for simchas! (Joyous events). I even danced in a low-keyed sort of way. No more boppin' around like I used to.

I look normal and still smile a lot, and interact in my normal ways. My double life lives itself out here. Everyone commented on how good I looked at the wedding tonight. I can do that- I am not sick, thankfully. I am just on too many medications, and in too much pain. But at the same time that I crave the understanding person to say to me "I know what you are going through, I read your journal entries", I also want to just know how *you* are... lets talk about something else for a change. My [never ending] story is too consuming, and I am sick of me.

The ride home was hard, my hip had had enough of the excitement. I couldn't get myself to take another Percocet- I just don't like the side effects. We had a van load of people, and I squirmed the whole time trying to deal with the pain, switching off pressure points.

So now I am trying to get to sleep. It's not working.


  1. Sarah,
    It was wonderful celebrating and dancing with you last night. And, yes, you looked marvelous! I know the long ride is not yet over (and please know I'm still traveling with you!), but its nice to take a break sometimes. Thanks for being there with/for me last night!
    Love, Miriam

  2. When will you know when you get surgery?

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling so incredibly crappy. Remember that it will get better.

  3. wow, I know that feeling.

    today I was soooo tired, I felt resentful of all the poisons coursing through my veins and knocking me out!

    (yeah, yeah, I know they are keeping me alive and all that, blah, blah....)
