Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm safe from the "nine days" zone

This evening starts the Hebrew month of "Av". It is also referred to as "Menachem Av", which means "Av, the month of mourning ". It is in the month of Av that the Jewish people of Israel lost the holy Beit HaMikdash (Temple), both times that it was destroyed (656 years apart). The special importance of the Beit HaMikdash is that it is the 'dwelling place' of Hashem.

The ninth day of Av is considered the saddest day in Jewish history. It is a day of fasting and mourning. Consequently, when the month begins (as in this evening), the nine days leading up to the ninth of Av (in Hebrew "Tisha B'Av) are days of "semi-mourning". At this point in history, Jerusalem was completely surrounded by the Roman armies, all supplies and water sources were cut off, and Jews were dying in the streets. (for more on this, go to siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE).

It is very well known that, along with not having any celebratory practices during this time period ("the nine days"), certain things should be avoided because of the terrible tradgedies which occurred in history. One is supposed to refrain from any dangerous things during this time period. Traveling for pleasure, overseas flights, SURGERIES, and even business ventures are to be avoided. [hey- my parents are coming on Sunday... traveling overseas on the nine days... may Hashem and El-Al grant them all the protection necessary...]

When I was given the original date of the 27th, I didn't realize *at all* that this was during the nine days. Robert had realized, but didn't mention it because he was putting it all aside for the sake of my health, and why talk about something ominous when optimism is what is needed.

So, when they changed the date to August 5th, which is after Tisha B'Av, only then did Robert say that he is happy it is no longer in the nine days. Until then, I didn't even think of that.

And since he said that, I am so completely at peace with the timing of the surgery.

When the Conductor of the symphony is also the Composer, mistakes or misinterpretations are impossible.


  1. Jackie Pellegrino, Oct98July 21, 2009 at 8:45 PM

    How wonderful! This does give a measure of peace. What a blessing is this change. :-)

  2. I'm so glad the surgery is not during the 9 days. :-)

    Devorah B.
