Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random rovings about the day

Rehearsal went fine, and was fun! People were definitely surprised to see me with my cane, of course. I only briefly said that I have a leg condition that I'm getting surgery for in a few weeks, so this is temporary. It went pretty easily for the most part. There are a few people who know me better (and who read my blog), so they didn't ask questions, and there were also some nice hugs!

Hydrotherapy was hard and painful for me for the first time- my hip is getting worse. That was really a bummer. I loved the water, did the exercises with the lovely physical therapist named Galina, and took my 10 minute free lap swimming time s l o w l y. I was not going to give up on that.

The car we were hoping to buy failed the mechanic's check-up. Leaking engine block that could crack at any time. No thanks. He'd have to pay *me* to take it off his hands. I need a car! Poor Robert is taking so much time on the 2nd hand car ads on internet, and calling people all the time, it is a drag. We thought we'd have this worked out by now. We are switching thoughts now to a different type of car, maybe a Honda Civic, from '93 or '94. Patience...

When I got home from all that, I slept for 3 hours straight. I came downstairs just in time to say goodnight to my little'uns, thank Gd. It was a calm and peaceful feeling in the house.

I am getting edgy for a date already for the surgery. Waiting for Bikels' office to call with that.

Azriel has his tonsillectomy on July 27th... in a few weeks. It is an overnight stay, and I assume Robert will stay with him. I am way too high-needs with sleeping; I need many pillows and my perfect mattress to make it through the night. But I do want to be with Wazi in his time of need. (more on Wazi's surgery in another post). I pray that there is no conflict of surgery dates. I assume mine will be in early August, but I don't know! Urgh! I'm not good with having Extremely Important Events hanging around waiting for a time line. Also my parents want to come, and I don't have a date to give them. That is frustrating, taking into account that they are trying to make a plane reservation.

Gotta roll with it, no other choice, is there.

1 comment :

  1. We have a Bar Mitzvah coming up in August. This radiation things has messed me up and I have not closed on a hall yet, so invitations will be late.... (but I hope you surgery does not conflict!!)
