Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sick kids... and some good news also...

Azriel and Shifra are both sick. Both have a 39 fever (102.2). Shifra has a bad stomach bug and at the moment isn't holding anything down, and Azriel has an ear infection. He does seem to be getting better but he still has a fever.

Robert just took the two bigger boys out to Beit Moriah (like a religious kids' clubhouse) for some nice activities.

I am trying to get a teeny bit of sweetened chamomile tea into Shifra, a spoonful every 15 minutes. Last one she threw up.

Azriel just snuck off and put himself to sleep in his bed. I found him snuggled up with his dogie, fast asleep.

So here I am, blogging in the middle of the day, first day of Succot vacation.

Good way to make me take it easy, right?

OK, lets slip in some good news here:
* Pain is decreasing. I have taken only two doses of oxycod in the past three days, down from twice a day.
* I have more range of movement in my hip!!!!!! Yesterday when I found that out- by trying to do something I formerly couldn't do- I broke down in tears, no- sobs of joy.

Those two things are really big, really great news. Worthy of a blog write-up all their own...

Anyway, I just want my babies to get better. It makes me so sad to see them sick.

1 comment :

  1. So sorry about the kids. YEAH!!! for the improvements in pain and range of movement.
