Saturday, December 5, 2009

Short update

10:30 PM here after Shabbat, and I only have energy to write that I am hanging in here, but completely sore and wiped out, emotionally as well as physically. It was a good Shabbat with friends hosting us for each meal. I even got a bit of a rest in my own bed this afternoon. There was also, however, lots of walking, which is still painful for me. I have no pain meds, and no crutch or wheelchair, thank Gd, but I am not completely rehabilitated yet, you know? Things are still so sore. Anyway, I'll be OK. I am just so wiped out.
I am getting into bed now, 6:30am has a way of sneaking up on ya. And I have PT tomorrow morning. I still feel sore from last week! I have to keep this up??!

Tuesday morning I am going into Tel Aviv to see Prof Meller for my follow up. That'll be a long day. I do have a babysitter in the afternoon, though, thankfully. And I am interviewing another possible babysitter tomorrow. Hopefully that will work out.

I am wrung out like a dish cloth. But my house is peacefully quiet, and the children all went to sleep in good moods. That is a blessing!

1 comment :

  1. Shavua tov - keep hanging in there - all of us are caring, caring and praying for Hashem to give you lots of strength, physical and emotional-love, barbara
