Monday, March 22, 2010

building stamina

I am playing horn now! Actually, I am taking a break and updating the blog but it is the middle of practicing. I haven't played since last June, I think. Things are a bit dusty, for sure, but it's kinda like riding a bike. And my lip/jaw/face muscles have *no stamina* whatsoever. Time was I could play two hours non stop. I could again, with time.

So I still had African sleeping sickness today, but I did get up in the morning and see Dov off to his first two-day hike with B'nei Akiva. That was exciting for him-- and us! He left with his pack and sleeping bag and food, and he's going camping for the first time in his life. :-)
After he got out, I went to my work out, even though my eyes were half shut and desperate to get back into bed. The work out was good-- it always is.

I got home around 11:30, and got right back into bed- without even changing out of my gym clothes. I slept till almost 3.

I think my meds are really out of whack; either that or I am out of whack with no outside clear explanation.

But I made late lunch for the kids, and now I oiled up my valves (which were completely stuck), and am playing!

OK, enough break. Gotta get back to playing boring long-tones and scales. Patience.


  1. Despite being zonked, you had a very productive day. I'd love to hear you play sometime.

  2. Great idea Michele. I'll bet there's a video feature on Sarah's camera. She could play us all something!
