Sunday, March 21, 2010

pressured and overextended

Um, yeah, did I say I was planning to make pancakes for the boys in the morning? Let's just say... Robert gets the daddy of the day award. He was up with them, supervised breakfast, and even brought them to the park with a football. Dad to the rescue! Everyone had fun (including Emma, who went to play football, as well), and I slept.

And slept and slept and slept. I got up around... 4pm.
I think I am just recovering from being overextended. Last week I drove twice to the Jerusalem area, round trip. I also saw clients two nights, and had a few bad nights because of trying a new sleeping pill. Today I called my doctor about the sleeping problems, and we made an appointment. In the mean time, she said, to go back to the other one.

I feel despair sometimes.

But even having said that, I want to report that I took Shifra out this evening to see the Israel Ballet. They had a performance here in Be'er Sheva, and I got us tickets. It was "Sleeping Beauty", and we were just so entranced with the beauty, the costumes, the perfect dancing, and all the sparkly things going on. She was thrilled, and we had a great outing together, just the two of us.

The varied sides to recovery. The things we can do even when we are dog tired.

I just wish I could kick this yearning (need?) to stay in bed.


  1. It sounds like the party was a hit. You did what you could and then you did what you needed to. I'm glad you enjoyed the ballet.

  2. So glad you made it to the ballet. What a special time for the two of you.
