Monday, May 24, 2010

The cup half full

I want to take this space today to write the things I am grateful for today.

[my kids, my husband and their health are always on the top of this list. Not to be taken for granted!]

1. It is a new day. Things are going to be OK.

2. It seems the spider bite wasn't from an ugly, black, necrotizing, hairy, poisonous spider. It is going away, and my arm muscle doesn't hurt any more. ;-)

4. My leg pain is *significantly* less, for about a month now. It may be the new medicine I switched to helping with the nerve pain.

5. I had a good night's sleep last night.

6. I finished the children's clothing switch-over!

7. Everyone has clean sheets, and all the sheets are already washed and put away. In fact, I am caught up on *all* laundry-- even towels!! Everything folded and put away. This is a rare happening.

8. I made a list of questions for Dr. Szold to ease my mind. I hope to speak with him soon.

It's crucial to recognize the good,
and to thank the Master Of The Universe.

1 comment :

  1. I'm jealous. I need to change sheets and am in no way caught up on laundry. It's so hot here that we didn't even do our weekend cleaning over the weekend so we need to clean and do laundry. Ugh!

    Sounds like you have a great approach to a new day. A good night's sleep is a wonderful thing.
