Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My parents-my self

I still can't walk, but I did a kilometer on a stationary bike without pain. I am working hard to rehabilitate my hip, and there is progress. I have a very thorough and sensitive physiotherapist, thankfully.

Oh, and my children threw a surprise birthday party for me... it was amazing. Balloons everywhere, pictures and humorous cards. Our babysitter designed it while Robert & I were out for my birthday dinner, which was also great! I am blessed.


My mother is still extremely ill. The antibiotics have not succeeded to eradicate the infection, and her heart is still in danger. There is a problem with her speech, and we don't know yet if she had a small stroke, or if the infection is in her brain. Her thoughts, though, are totally in-tact. We clearly can verify that she is thinking normally, but cannot communicate well.
She isn't awake often; maybe all together three minutes every hour.

My father cannot get his hip replacement that he desperately needs because of the time he is spending in the ICU; it would be too dangerous for him, possibly having been exposed to infections there. Without a new hip he continues to suffer and barely walk.

Anyone want to accompany me on a trip to New York? I would need a companion to help me all the time. I want to see my parents. I'm afraid of waiting too long.


  1. Sarah, I'll do whatever I can to help.
    xxxooo Dev

  2. wishing you and your parents complete refua shlaima b'karov!. do what you have to do, and if you feel you should go, don't put it off. but definitely make sure you can travel such a long trip and that you will have help \ or companion with you. purim samaech, rochel.
